12 Mrz 2022The garden design
Earlier we introduced two architect and today we would like to introduce you to the third and last architect and we show you a little more about the garden design. The design was made by Jan van Minnebrugge of Bosch & Slabbers landscape architects. They see every landscape as a story with room for discovery, wonder and inspiration. The guiding principe at Villa Magnolia ‘respect the past, embrace the future’ is in line with their vision and they find it important that the landscape keep telling a unique and fascinating story.
Today the story of the new landscape of the studios..
Each studio will have a personal outdoor space with its unique characteristics. The landscape and privacy are both an important part of the environment and studio experience. As a guest you have the choice when you choose for privacy or when you connect with the Walcheren landscape. New walking routes are created and there is a natural transition between outside and inside. The landscaping will be renewed with a focus on biodiversity, maintenance-friendliness en sustainability. In our day-to-day gardening this means a lot of ground coving and no use of pesticides. It will be a green and flowery whole with a lot of colour and texture. To be continued…